Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Festivities

Time to enter another post. I know it's been too long when I start getting hate email from the fam (Barbie). He He. So I thought I'd do a quick post on the Thanksgiving happenings at our house. Nothing happened at our house. Okay I'm sure Heidi threw a couple of wild parties while we were gone! Thanks Heidi for watching our house and taking care of Trink - love ya! So we went to Spokane for Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun. My sister and her family live there so my side of the family trekked up there for the week. One of the most fun things we did while we were there, besides Black Friday shopping of course (oh and besides getting the flu) was to take a boat ride around Coeurd'alene on the lake and look at the lights. It starts with a parade on the main street of Coeurd'alene. Since the parade is at night, all of the floats are lighted. So fun. Then when the parade ends, the fireworks begin. After fireworks, they have a lighting ceremony and turn on the Christmas lights to the whole town. Then we ate dinner and took a boat ride. The boat ride starts out at the resort and then takes a trip to the North Pole where Santa is waiting with Mrs. Claus. He stands in his toy shop and calls out Merry Christmas to each of the children personally. Abbie thought it was way cool to have Santa call her by name and point her out. The pictures are of the boat ride. It was my dad's birthday that night so the whole town got to celebrate with him. Happy Birthday DAD!!


Bree said...

Yay!!!! Not only did you do a new post but I am the first to comment!!!! It looks like you guys had a great time and the lights were beautiful! I have heard that it's gorgeous up there. I heard Heidi through a raging party while you were out. JK.

We are trying to make it out to Utah sometime soon because seeing you guys twice a year isn't working out for us.

Erickson Fam said...

Sounds like it was a fun trip. Glad you were able to spend time with your dad on his birthday too!

Love your festive blog background too. :)

I agree with Bree, we need to make it out to Utah for a visit. Think of all the fun/trouble we could get into!