Monday, May 11, 2009

Skool Days

I just had to add pictures of Abbie's first grade performance. They have been working the entire year and put on the program in front of the entire school. It was fun to have the kids teach us all about Australia. Abbie played the part of a kangaroo and did a dance with her class. There are pictures below. It's been so much fun to watch Abbie get into school full time. I'm sad that time goes by too fast but we're having a blast with her. This week her class is putting on a puppet show for all of the parents. I can't wait to post pictures of the pig puppet we made. She is one of the three little pigs as well as the voice of Christopher Robbin for the Whinnie the Poo puppet show. If I can get some video, I will post it!


Erickson Fam said...

so fun! You're not kidding, our babies are growing up WAY too fast.

She's by far the prettiest kangaroo I've ever seen :)

Bree said...

Make that two new posts! Dang it Barbie, she always beats me!